A good indicator that the trees in your forest adventure park are in danger is that resin begins to sprout in areas where there are cable belts, wooden beams and coves.
Have you detected this problem in the trees of your park?
A forest adventure park that takes care for the trees with dedication generates added value to its business, improves the public image and the relationship with its customers.
Although maintenance may sometimes seem postponable to you, the truth is that strategic maintenance management reduces costs and increases profits of your adventure park.
This will allow you to detect problems in the facilities and infrastructures to be able to correct them before they put the future of your business at risk.
We would like to help you perform effective, efficient and profitable maintenance.
New Ape Team, after 20 years of experience in active leisure sector, has developed a methodology to better plan the maintenance of your park.
Contact us.
- The wood of the platforms and bridge parts and other games have begun to deteriorate or are deteriorated. A platform is probably broken or the wood is rotten.
- The parquet boards of the platforms can break or dig into the bark of the trees if the trees have grown and the platforms have not adjusted, causing the beams that press on the trunks to “strangle” the trees preventing the normal flow of trees. the wise to the branches. So the trees can die in a short time.
- If the cable belts are not maintained, as the trees grow, the wooden cleats of the platforms embed themselves in the bark and over time so do the cables, cutting off the sap and killing the tree.
- Textiles and nets are functionally and aesthetically deteriorated. They have started to dry out and lose their flexibility and strength properties or have already lost them.
- The plastic parts of the games are breaking or are broken. The junction points of the plastic parts with the textiles are also being unstitched.
- Safety equipment has loose threads, looks old and deteriorated, which also increases the risk of accidents for users.
- The aesthetics of your park is not optimal: it begins to look ugly, deteriorated or neglected. Users have already started telling you.
- User visits are decreasing.
Users are leaving bad opinions about your park on social networks, on your website and on other digital platforms. - The reputation of your park is being negatively affected.

No healthy trees
Often when adventure parks request the help of specialists like us, it is usually too late to save the trees or to take corrective measures on the facilities and infrastructures.
Don't put it off for tomorrow.
Remember that poor park maintenance also increases the chances of users having accidents.
They are dangerous oversights for a business that sells fun, adventure and freedom without risk.
The 6 steps
of our methodology to
fine-tune your park
1) We will carry out a 1st inspection visit to your park to assess the state of maintenance of the trees and of the infrastructures and facilities.
2) We will give you a performance report that summarizes the maintenance problems of your park and how to correct them.
3) We will train the staff of the park so that you can, next time, carry out the inspection yourself and save the fees of a specialist.
4) We will give you the park maintenance protocol in writing and a detailed and fillable control sheet.
5) We will correct any problem whatsoever. detected in your park to get it ready.
6) You will enter our monitoring program for forest adventure parks , which will allow you to carry out preventive maintenance tasks and not just corrective. This way you can plan long-term maintenance and avoid unnecessary repairs and expenses.